Friday 13 March 2015

                                                                We live in deeds, not in years

A phrase by George Bernard Shaw goes as “Life isn’t about finding yourself, it is about creating yourself”. So how is this creation possible? By finding solutions to different problems, by thinking your brains out on various issues? The answer is ‘NO’. This creation is only possible when your mind is at peace. Where does this peace come from? This peace comes from the good deeds we do. These good deeds send soothing impulses to our mind and relax it, making us happy. And, we all know happiness is the key to a long and healthy life; a person must do something worth remembering within his limited lease of life. The betterment of his society should be his aim. Failure to do so makes life sterile.

A rupee spent in removing poverty reaps more benefits than a fortune spent on luxuries. Luxuries come and go, but blessings stay forever. Good deeds not only include helping the poor. It also includes a string of attributes like helping with house chores, taking care of nature and many more. Raison d etre of our life is the good deeds we did and the same applies with our future. The good deeds we do add to our persona and make us a happy person. Age is no bar for greatness, this greatness means conquering the aspects of life. Since ages men and women have defied age and have left many people astounded with their achievements. But these people are remembered if they did something good for the humanity.

Two legends (in their respective fields) departed from Earth, both around the same age. These legends were Nelson Mandela (crusader against apartheid) and another Mr. Mikhail Kalashnikov (inventor of AK-47). Also to add, I am not here criticizing Mr. Kalashnikov, what he did was revolutionary. So what made people miss ’Madiba’ more than ’Mr. Mikhail’? It was the cause; the cause of helping people.

Indian freedom movement is quintessential with this topic. For instance, our freedom fighter Bhagat Singh is remembered even now for giving his life at a very young age. He is a role model for today’s youth. Another prodigy, John Keats says “A thing of beauty is a joy forever, its loveliness increases; it will never pass into nothingness.” He died at the age of 25 but his beautiful poems are still read and loved by masses. Although his life was short but he added meaning to it via his poems. A beautiful thing, even if seen for a short period of time remains in our memory forever, it never fades away.

Time and again many people have risen to power who have had their own draconian ways of treating people and time and again they have been crushed to dirt by those very people; whether in violent form of a mutiny ( French Revolution ) or a non – violent way such as Non- Cooperation Movement ( Indian freedom Revolution ).  Reasons were the same; oppressed people, harmed mankind. Nobody remembers the dynasties that ruled these countries in an oppressing way; rather they remember the personalities that had the will to uproot them by stirring the conscience of people in order to help them. Empathy towards mankind made them immortal within our hearts. 

A proverb goes as “Rome wasn’t built in a day”. This greatness or empathy towards mankind also does not come in a day, it takes years. When a child is born he does not know whether he/she is black or white, belongs to which country or whether is rich or poor. He/she is just like a blank sheet of paper ready to be written on. Education and good upbringing serves this purpose.

Ever since, mankind came into being it has worked and sustained on one principle i.e. give respect and take respect. Respect is something desired by everyone and is earned by actions and not acquired in years.  This respect comes by contribution towards benefit of mankind. This contribution can be in any field like science, arts, music, technology, the list is endless. Anti social elements live for sometime after their death because of their notoriety; but are soon forgotten. People also feel relieved after their death. Is such a life worth living where people remember you with contempt even after it is over?

We earn, spend and live; everyone does the same but seldom donate. We all should have a noble aim in life i.e. to give. People make fortunes and leave them for their kids and forthcoming generations to gorge upon. Hollywood actor and martial arts expert Jackie Chan has pledged that he would donate his entire worth of $130 million to charity and not leave a single penny for his son; upon which he clarifies “If he’s good he’ll make his own money, instead he will just be wasting my money”.

I once read a chapter in my seventh class Hindi book; titled “Sanskriti aur Sabhyata”. This chapter was in context to people who contribute something to humanity pertaining to any field, calling them “Sanskriti or Great” and those who simply use these contributions to their benefit as “Sabhyata or Civilised”. So, who according to you would be remembered more? Let’s explain this with an example; Nikola Tesla was a  Serbian American inventor, Electrical Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Physicist, and Futurist best known for inventing the Induction Motor and Alternating Current. Every house now has alternating current flowing in their switchboxes and nearly every rotating device has an induction motor. According to the above context, he is the “Sanskriti” and we people are “Sabhyata”.

Sufficient examples have been given above about how, many people who went a few steps ahead for humanity made deep inroads within our hearts. They had a will to do something for mankind; this generates within, no one can force it. Motivation, hard work, persistent efforts, blessings and most importantly attitude is what makes them different. So, I would sign off by saying “Add life to your days and not days to your life, do something good and be remembered.”

Thanking you,
Abhishek Kapoor

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