Friday 20 March 2015

                Have we become slaves of technology?

Let’s ponder upon this thought, have we really become slaves of technology? As Albert Einstein said that “The day technology surpasses human interaction. This world will have a generation of idiots.” Has that day arrived or are we still sensible? There is enough evidence available to reiterate the former statement. The dependency on technology for even a pin prick is worrisome. Social networking has made people forget how it feels to meet a person in real rather. People fear a zombie apocalypse; well, there is one going around us. The only difference is that these zombies are well suited and have gadgets in their hand; such zombies are harmful, but only for themselves. 

Advancements in technology has ushered in an era of modernity and has made the world smaller, it has made contacting people in remote corners of the world much easier. But every advantage comes at a price. This price can be of health or of even loosing onto family time. Loosing onto this family time can lead to some serious predicaments. Technology has even made people clique cronies. It is making teenagers flippant. 

Leave alone teenagers, technology has not even spared the toddlers, before being able to speak they know how to use an iPad. Such children turn out to be clingy and in turn these traits are incorporated into their behaviour. Parents also have a hard time to make them realise the bad implications of technology. Sarcastically speaking, nowadays only that person can walk with his head held high who does not have whatsapp or facebook installed on his/her device.

Technology, just like fire is a good slave but a bad master. Technology is something that should be controlled by our whims and fancies, but we are the ones being controlled. Family dinners have been replaced by texting instead of talking, relationships have been replaced by video conferencing instead of actual dating, and writing has been replaced by typing. Technology has made deep inroads within our lives, which should never have happened. We tend to lose interest in doing things that does not involve the use of a gadget. From notes to results, technology has replaced everything. But one thing that it should never replace is the human intellect.

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